Connecting wireless for windows 7

Connecting wireless for windows 7

1 >  Click on start button on the bottom right hand side of the home screen….( It opens a list of items )


2 >  On the bottom of the list there is a small bar just above the start button click on that bar and type in  ncpa.cpl and press the enter key on the keyboard

network connection

3 >  The next screen is of the network connection

4 >  if you see more than 1 wireless connection search for the one that says Microsoft virtual wifi miniport and right click on it and disable it ( if you don’t have it then please skip this step )

microsoft miniport

5 >  Right click on the wireless network connection

right click

6 >  Left click on the connect/disconnect option.

7 >  Next page is the connect to a network and it has the list of wireless connections.connect to a network

8 >  Search for your router and double click on it.

wireless connect

9 >  If you don’t see the name of your router on the list then check if the wireless switch of the laptop is turned on

10> type in the wireless key that is printed on the back of the router or if you have changed it then use the one

wireless key

11> click on OK and you will see that beside the name of your router it says connected

And you are connected now enjoy the Broadband ……………….. : )

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